Q and A

Drug interactions

Can a person have a few drinks (alcohol) before or after taking Tribuss?

Will my arthritis medicines affect Atroiza?

Do antacids interact with Tribuss?

Can I use Senokot with my ARVs?

Can I take body-building supplements with Odimune?

Did erectile dysfunction drugs cause viral load increase?

Can I drink alcohol with my meds?

Can I take Sertraline with my ARVs?

Do HIV meds interact with the “morning after pill” levonorgestrel (Levonelle)

Does dental treatment have interactions with ARVS?

Does Atroiza have interactions with TB meds?

Can I take amoxicillin with ARVs?

Can I take muscle enhancing supplements with ARVs?

Can I take prednisone with ARVs?

Does Alprazolam interact with my ARVs?

Should I stop taking Simvastatin?

Can I take Viagra with ARVs?

Can you take pantoprazole (antacids) with atazanavir?

Which anti-malarial should I take?

Which malaria prophylaxis is best?

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