Q and A

HIV testing

Is a HIV DUO test at 3 weeks a good indicator for a 100% result test?

Can a person test positive and then test 3 months later and test negative?

Can I get HIV from oral sex with a man?

Is the p24 test accurate after 3 weeks?

What can I do whilst I am waiting for my confirmatory test?

Does it really take 4 months for a test to show an infection?

How accurate is a MEIA test after 17 days?

If my test is positive can I infect my family by living in the same house as them?

I have negative tests in July but am I ok to get married?

I have had three negative HIV tests – are my symptoms due to HIV?

Is a test at 12 weeks conclusive?

Is my test at 12 weeks correct?

Do other medical conditions affect HIV test results?

Am I at high risk of being infected?

Is there a possibility I am really HIV negative?

Do I need to re-test again at 8 weeks – 12weeks?

If I have a low lymphocyte count do I have HIV?

How high is my risk of having HIV infection?

Can I get some information about the Centaur machine?

I have had 24 negative HIV tests in a year do you still think I have HIV?

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