Q and A


Pregnant and feeling sick

My CD4 count is below 234, will my child be affected?

My sister is 5 months pregnant and HIV+

Is unprotected sex safe in pregnancy?

We are both positive, can we have a baby?

Is it normal for CD4 count to drop in pregnancy?

Can I use Tyricten during pregnancy?

Can I use AZT and Atroiza during pregnancy?

What are my chances of having a baby?

Do I continue ARV treatment after my pregnancy?

Question about having a baby when my partner is negative?

Are my ARVs safe in pregnancy?

I’m 36 and want to conceive.

What can I do if my CD4 count is low in pregnancy?

Is Odimune safe in pregnancy?

My partner is positive, am I really negative?

I’m HIV+, my partner is HIV-, can I get pregnant?

What do my viral load and CD4 tests mean?

Is it true that a baby has been cured of HIV?

I’m 43 and having problems conceiving

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