Q and A


I had a HIV negative boy, is there any chance he could test positive?

Is my CD4 count strong enough to have a baby?

Can I have another baby?

My partner tested positive in pregnancy but I am negative…

What is the risk of conceiving naturally?

I am worried about stopping ARVs after pregnancy (archive question)

HIV, life expectancy and having a baby with a negative partner

I am on treatment, can i still get pregnant?

I don’t want to start treatment yet. Am i at risk?

I have HIV and he doesn’t, can we have a baby?

Can you become infected with HIV after having unprotected sex with a carrier?

How do we make sure my girlfriend and our baby don’t get HIV?

I stopped treatment after birth, is that right?

Can I continue ARVs after pregnancy?

Are these side effects from Atroiza?

Why do I feel dizzy and tired after stopping treatment?

Can I get pregnant while taking Trixazole?

I’m 7 months pregnant, is it safe to breastfeed?

Do I need to have a C-section?

Can I breastfeed while waiting for test window?

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