Q and A


I have a running stomach, is it ARVs or the water?

My girlfriend is positive, how can we have a baby?

We want a baby, can we have unprotected sex?

My wife is testing negative what are the chances our daughter contracted HIV?

What are the chances my baby will not be HIV positive?

Can i infect my baby through breast feeding?

I’m pregnant. How do i stop my baby getting sick?

What happens if I am HIV positive and pregnant and take treatment?

How accurate is a negative test for my one year old son?

My girlfriend is HIV negative but pregnant, what’s going on?

I’m 20 weeks pregnant, will my baby be ok?

Is my CD4 count normal? It’s 609.

I want to breastfeed my baby, is this safe?

I am looking for information about sperm washing?

My wife is pregnant and has a CD4 of 64 but she looks healthy.

I have a high CD4 count, do i have to take ARVs to get pregnant?

My husband said he is “thinking about it”

Pregnant and newly diagnosed, do I need to take ARVs?

I am pregnant and my viral load is not suppressed, what are my options?

I’m 4 months pregnant and taking Tribuss. Should i have a C- section?

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