Q and A


I have HIV, a doctor says we can’t have children. Is this true?

Will my viral load be undetectable in time to have negative baby?

Is it possible to get pregnant if you are taking Trivenz (Atripla)?

How will i know my baby has HIV?

I have HIV and am pregnant, can i have an abortion?

Is undetectable in blood the same as undetectable in genital fluids?

Can I try to conceive on efavirenz and Truvada?

I am an HIV positive man, can I have a baby?

What is the safest way to feed my baby?

Can I have a vaginal delivery?

My partner won’t use a condom. Will my baby get HIV?

I have a viral load of 39,000 – will my baby be safe?

I am positive and he isn’t, how can i get pregnant?

I’m pregnant and have an undetectable viral load, is this normal?

Do i still need to take meds with a high CD4 to get pregnant?

Is it safe to get pregnant without knowing my viral load?

I have HIV and am pregnant. I’m having sex, is that ok?

I’ve changed form Tribuss to Atroiza, will my baby be ok?

How can a couple who are both positive have a child?

Can a couple with one positive person have children?

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