Q and A


Is my baby positive if I had unprotected sex?

Will using formula milk protect my baby?

I’m pregnant and starting treatment – what should I do about my side effects?

I’m pregnant and my viral load is increasing, what should I do?

I’m pregnant and not on treatment, when can I start?

My baby is on nevirapine and I’m breastfeeding, is my baby positive?

Is it possible for my baby to test negative and then positive?

I’m pregnant and positive, can I keep having sex?

Are condoms important if I am pregnant and my partner is not on ARVs?

Can we try for a baby in I am on ART (Tribuss) and my partner is not?

Will starting ART late affect my baby?

My husband is HIV positive, is it good to try for a baby?

Can I move to formular feeding my baby?

Can I stop ARVs when I am pregnant?

Diagnosed when pregnant – are HIV meds safe for my baby?

How can I tell my friend I’m HIV positive and pregnant?

Can I get pregnant after two months treatment?

What is HIV risk when trying for a baby?

How safe to continue having sex without condoms?

Will my viral load be OK by the time i deliver my baby?

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