Q and A


Does sepsis mean my baby might have HIV?

I’m pregnant, do I need to take ARVs?

I’m a HIV positive man, can I have children?

I’m pregnant, do I need to take medication?

When will my viral load be undetectable?

Can you take TB meds at the same time as ARVs?

I’m positive and pregnant. I don’t know my partners status. Is there a risk?

I’m pregnant, do I need to use ARVs?

I’m pregnant and just started medication, will my child be OK?

Can a positive person have children?

Does a woman’s CD4 count drop when she’s pregnant?

I’m pregnant, when should I start medication?

Can you have an abortion if you’re on ARVs?

I’m not on treatment and I want a baby, what should I do?

I’m pregnant but not on treatment, what should I do?

Should I take meds in early pregnancy?

My CD4 is 725, do I need a C-section?

I am pregnant with undetectable VL without ART…

Will my baby be ok? I was diagnosed late in my pregnancy.

I’m positive, can I have a child?

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