UK guidelines on PEP after sexual exposure (March 2006)

New US prescription drug information format to improve safety

2nd International workshop on HIV and Hepatitis coinfection

Medscape training resources

HIV InSite Knowledge Base

Top 10 research publications in HIV care in 2005

Cardiovascular risk factors and metabolic complications in HIV-positive patients receiving HAART

Report on dispersal of asylum seekers in the UK

UK surveillance report

GMHC: Treatment Issues

FCHR roundtable report on CCR5 inhibitors

IAVI report: 2005 year in review

WHO – HIV/AIDS in Europe: moving from death sentence to chronic disease management

Full text journal publications online

Volume 7 Number 3 March 2006 PDF

Volume 7 Number 1/2 January/February 2006

10th European AIDS Conference (EACS), 17-20 November 2005, Dublin, Ireland

Rifaximin cure reported for cryptosporidium in advanced HIV

Analysis of hepatic events in 2NN study by CD4 entry criteria, levels differences between nevirapine and efavirenz; excess hepatic events in once-daily nevirapine arm linked to single site in Thailand

FTC studies at EACS: reduced incidence of M184V compared to 3TC; side effect profile in clinical practice

Paediatric studies at EACS: trends in antiretroviral use in the Madrid Cohort; life expectancy significantly increased HIV/HCV co-infected children since HAART; use of tenofovir in treatment experienced children; switching to lopinavir/r from double protease inhibitor regimen; once daily lopinavir/r, 3TC and abacavir; planned treatment interruptions in children

Efficacy of lopinavir/r in patients with advanced HIV (CD4 <25 cells/mm3)

Potential barriers to use of T-20: results from patient and physician interviews

Factors associated with sexual dysfunction in HIV patients

Decreased varicella zoster immunity in migrants from sub-Saharan Africa

Clinical experience of switching to atazanavir in the UK’s largest clinic

Replacing a PI with atazanavir: separating swans from ducklings?

TMC 125: some good and bad news

When to change a failing regimen: second-line and salvage strategies

Antiretrovirals and other stuff!

Heart disease in people with HIV

Mortality trends: why people with HIV die (or don’t) today

45th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), 16-19 December 2005, Washington, USA

Understanding TMC114 power against resistant HIV

New antiretroviral compounds at ICAAC: new PI brecanavir from GSK; maturation inhibitor PA-457; antiviral activity of monoclonal antibody; TNX-355 in treatment experienced patients

Comparison of pharmacokinetics of originator and generic liquid formulations and split tablets in Malawian children

African-Americans in ACTG 5095 had shorter time to virologic failure and grade 3/4 side effects

Predictors of insulin resistance in first year of therapy

Three measures confirm 144-week renal record of tenofovir

Low rash risk with efavirenz after nevirapine rash

SMART study halted due to safety concerns with significantly more AIDS events in the treatment interruption arm

TMC114 (darunavir) new drug applications submitted to US and European regulatory agencies

Missing the target: a report on HIV/AIDS treatment access from the frontlines

New Clinton agreements to lower prices of HIV/AIDS rapid tests and second-line drugs in 50 countries

WHO adds seven antiretrovirals to list of prequalified HIV drugs

Ranbaxy launches two new ARVs in India

FDA tentative approvals: generic oral solutions of nevirapine and d4T

Amendment to WTO TRIPS agreement makes access to affordable medicines even more bleak: MSF expresses concern that patients the world-over will have to pay the price

WTO uses AIDS patients to cover up development round failure

US paediatric guidelines updated (Feb 2006)

Low HIV viral load linked to hepatitis B vaccination response

HPA releases HCV report without mentioning sexual transmission among HIV-positive gay men

Jamaican HIV/AIDS advocate Steve Harvey murdered at age 30

Serono labs pleads guilty to the illegal marketing of rHGH: company to pay $704 million global settlement

Commission presents blueprint to fight HIV/AIDS over the 2006-2009 period

Drug companies earn back R&D costs in short term and in developed countries

Reports from CCR5 Antagonist meeting

Online medical resources

Volume 7 Number 1/2 January/February 2006 PDF

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