EACS 15 Barcelona 2015

15th European AIDS Conference (EACS), 21-24 October 2015, Barcelona

Remarkable results with dolutegravir monotherapy

First-line ART with dolutegravir plus 3TC: 24-week early results

New European HIV guidelines (October 2015): universal ART, first-line integrase and PrEP

Impact of early ART on lung function: results on ART and COPD from START substudy

No difference in neuropsychological test results between early and delayed ART in START substudy

Immediate ART in START linked to greater bone loss over three years

Price of MDR TB drugs could be greatly reduced with competitive generic manufacture

Potential for generic prices for 12 weeks sofosbuvir treatment to drop below US $300 and daclatasvir to US $23

Achieving viral suppression with HIV multi-drug resistance: peg-interferon and valaciclovir as part of rescue therapy

French cohort of HIV transgender women highlights issues relating to HIV management