HIV testing

Could my HIV positive test result be caused by EBV infection?

I am HIV positive and on treatment, could my test show negative now?

How often should my partner have a HIV test?

My boyfriend tested positive, why do I keep testing negative?

Will my CMV test delay any HIV antibodies and is this why my HIV tests are negative?

My boyfriend tested positive but what is the 'confirmatory test' they say he now needs?

Is there a test to find out when my boyfriend became positive?

How accurate is an HIV test at 10 weeks after a possible exposure?

What is the difference between 3rd generation and 4th generation HIV test?

I have had 2 negative HIV tests, do I need to test again?

If antibody tests are accurate 6-12 weeks after an exposure, are they still accurate 24 after?

Is there only HIV-1 and -2 or are there be different strains that an antibody test would not pick up?

I have three negative HIV tests, do I have HIV?

Can you explain my test results?

What HIV tests are available in the Republic of Ireland?

Why do the GUM clinics say to come back after 3 months if the 28 day test is negative?

What is the risk to the male if he has given oral sex and has bad gums occasionally swollen?

Can I get HIV from receiving oral sex?

I am worried I may have HIV, please can you help?

Can my test come back positive after 4 negative results?

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