Q and A

HIV transmission

I’m on treatment, can I transmit?

Is there an HIV vaccine?

My partner is HIV positive…

I’m positive and pregnant. I don’t know my partners status. Is there a risk?

My viral load is nearly 30,000, is my partner at risk?

If my viral load is undetectable, can I still transmit HIV?

What will happen if I stop meds for other health issues?

I’ve just resently started treatment, is my partner at risk?

I’m pregnant, do I need to use ARVs?

I’ve been positive since birth, I’m on treatment, can I transmit?

My partner missed a day of meds, am I at risk?

Does viral load need to be undetectable for six months for U=U?

Were gay couples counted twice in the PARTNER 1 and 2 studies?

Will HIV test window period before PrEP lead to drug resistance?

I’m on medication, can I transmit HIV to my partner?

Why am I positive when my partner is negative?

I’m undetectable, is my partner at risk?

I’m positive, can I marry someone who’s negative?

Where can I test for HIV in the UK?

Can I transmit HIV to my baby if I have sex with my boyfriend?

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