Q and A


Can I occasionally stretch my atazanavir dose to 32 hours?

Does unprotected sex affect CD4 count?

Can I develop resistance if I missed 4 days of Atripla?

How long will my wife need to take ARVs?

I changed treatment but why has my viral load increased?

Should I worry with viral load results of 94 and 114?

Will I get any symptoms if I do not take my med regularly?

Does taking Atripla with food causes resistance?

I have a detectable viral load, should I change treatment ?

Will I get any symptoms if I do not take my med regularly?

I missed taking my medication for 4 days – can I develop resistance?

Should I be worried if I am late taking my meds?

I am 22 and want to improve my adherence?

Will I have resistance from these missed doses of Atripla?

Should my husband have a viral rebound to 5000 retested?

Is it okay "not to worry" about my viral load rebound?

What are the current opinions and evidence about drug sequencing?

What is the risk of resistance from a late dose of Atripla?

As I am missing doses, what can help or should I stop?

Hearing loss and starting treatment at a high CD4 count

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