Q and A

Side effects

Will diarrhoea stop my drugs from working?

What should I do about my rash with Atripla?

I take Atripla in the morning – why am I tired?

Which ARV is better- darunavir or atazanavir?

Where can I find treatment information?

Does my treatment cause dizzyness?

What can I do about my buffalo hump?

I have pain and symptoms after switching to Tribuss

My bilirubin levels are 80 mmol/L on atazanavir – what can I do?

Can I take Tribuss with food?

Can I change the time I take Sustiva (efavirenz) when I travel?

Is my rash caused by Atripla?

I am pregnant and on ARVs. What's causing the rash on my tummy?

What side effects can I expect on my new combination?

How long does neuropathy take to improve after changing from d4T?

When is the best time to take Atripla?

In South Africa on Atripla for two months, will efavirenz mood changes improve?

Will exercise help with fat accumulation?

Do vitamins help treat mitochondial toxicity?

Can I feel better at work from Atripla side effects?

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