Q and A

Side effects

When will vomiting with Tribuss stop?

My wife just started ARVs and has a rash

Is Atripla making my hair thin?

Bad headaches after starting Tribuss

Can I restart darunavir?

Can I avoid body shape changes?

Do ARVs cause nightmares?

Am I experiencing a hypersensitivity reaction to Abacavir?

I stopped Sustiva (efavirenz) early in treatment

Should I be worried about a rash with Odimune?

I’m feeling tired after starting Atripla

What can I do about neuropathic pain?

How long should I give Sustiva (efavirenz) side effects?

How can I stop feeling so worried all the time?

Are my Eviplera side effects common?

I having side effects 3 years after starting treatment

Why is my husband vomiting after taking tribuss?

Stopped treatment because of Atripla side effects.

My mother stopped treatment due to side effects…

Which med is responsible for an allergy reaction?

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