Q and A

Side effects

I started using Tribuss today. Is it safe?

Should I be worried about CD4 decrease?

Is my mouth swelling because of Odimune?

Is New-fill available in South Africa?

How long does dizziness with Tribuss last?

Are these side effects from Atroiza?

Is genital swelling normal with Odimune

Can I skip doses to avoid Eviplera rash?

Why is my sister vomiting after starting Trixazole?

Nightmares after 1st dose of Atripla

I am worried about kidney function and have transmitted drug resistance

Pregnant and feeling sick

How long do Odimune side effects last?

Did erectile dysfunction drugs cause viral load increase?

On Atripla with lipoatrophy- what can I do?

What do I do about my rash and ringworm?

First two days on Odimune and I have side effects

I have a question about side effects and just started treatment?

I just started odimune and have difficult side effects.

What can I do about peripheral neuropathy?

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