Q and A

Side effects

I’m now taking my meds at night, is this ok?

Is it normal for Atroiza to make me dizzy the whole day?

Can you talk about fatty liver and also changing treatment?

Why have i been changed from Atroiza to Tribuss?

I can’t sleep on Atripla and when I do I have nightmares…

I am on Tribuss, can i still have children?

My ARVs are causing kidney toxicity, are there alternatives?

I just started treatment and i’m vomiting. Is this normal?

My husband started meds with a CD4 count of 4? What about his liver?

Side effects vs symptoms when starting meds with a low CD4?

I just started ARVs with a CD4 of 18 and I feel bloated…

What are best meds for treating HIV and hepatitis B?

Will switching from Tribuss to Trivenz give me efavirenz side effects again?

Can I take Tribuss in the morning to match shift work?

How dangerous is it to not be on treatment with a CD4 count of 154?

Can you take Odimune in the morning after a meal?

I am really tired of treatment. What can i do?

I’m feeling weak, tired and dizzy. What’s going on?

Sometimes i have to take my Tribuss at different times – is this OK?

I’m using Atroiza and I feel like i’m losing my mind. What’s going on?

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