Q and A

Side effects

I have severe side effects after 6 months on efavirenz

What can I do about fat loss in my arms and legs?

Does HIV cause weight loss?

How long do efavirenz side effects last?

What are the alternatives to efavirenz?

Why have I gained so much weight?

Do I have to put up with efavirenz side effects?

Why do I have pain in my hands and feet?

Can I try to conceive on efavirenz and Truvada?

What are the long term effects of HIV treatment?

Which HIV drugs cause lipodystrophy?

Are generics the same as brand-name drugs?

Are my skin problems because of HIV?

Is rash a side effect of HIV drugs?

What is causing my diarrhoea?

Can i take Tribuss in the mornings instead of in the evening?

I am taking Atripla straight after my meals, is that ok?

I have a running stomach, is it ARVs or the water?

I have been switched from Truvada to Combivir, is there a risk?

What can i do to help loose weight?

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