Q and A

Starting treatment

Will Tribuss always make me dizzy?

Can I take headache tablets when taking atrioza?

When should I start treatment so that I don’t transmit HIV to my baby?

Is it safe to take Aluvia, lamivudine and zidovudine when you’re pregnant?

I have a CD4 of 270, what meds should I take?

How can I decrease my viral load?

What is the difference between ART and HAART?

I’m pregnant and have a low CD4, will ARVs be effective?

When should I start treatment?

Should I take Tribuss or Trivenz?

What is the meaning of taking your medication on empty stomach?

Will I get infections if my CD4 count is 140?

Just starting meds, can I take them in the morning?

What does a CD4% of 3% mean?

Can I start meds and how to tell my partner?

Just started ART: when will feeling dizzy, tired, weak and the moods swings stop?

Questions about starting treatment in the UK…

Questions from a pharmacist on PEP and choice of first ART?

What is the best time to take Atrioiza?

Is pain on the top of my head a side effect?

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