Q and A

Starting treatment

Will food or HIV treatment control my HIV?

Should I mix the way I feed my baby?

I have just started treatment and have questions…

Can I have a baby with my negative partner? I also smoke.

Is 6 weeks of ART for my newborn baby OK?

I started treatment at 6 months of pregnancy, will my baby be positive?

I was early with my meds by an hour, is that OK?

Several questions about starting treatment…

My baby is negative at 6 weeks, will she stay negative?

Is my treatment causing my low energy?

What is the difference between Tribuss and Odimune tablets?

I want to start treatment, what are the side effects?

I’m thinking of stopping treatment for 6 months, what will happen?

How can I boost my CD4 count without ARVs?

I am positive and pregnant, should I take HIV medication?

Can I predict my expected CD4 increase after starting treatment?

My CD4 count is 15, what does that mean?

My CD4 count is low and I’m losing weight, why?

I’m on Rizene treatment, does this mean I am positive?

Does HIV treatment cause arthralgia?

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