Q and A

Starting treatment

How will treatment change my body?

I’ve recently become positive and have questions..

Will my family accept me if I start treatment?

I’m feeling ill and worried, will HIV treatment help?

I am not on ARVs but gaining weight, what does this mean?

My mother has just been diagnosed, I have some questions..

What is causing my HIV+ partner’s skin to darken?

I have some questions about ARVs, can you help?

I have been off treatment and want to start again. Is that OK?

What are the names for generic versions of Atripla?

Am I at risk of getting sick with my CD4 count over 500?

I have type 1 diabetes and HIV. Should I change my diet?

Why is my CD4 T cell count not increasing?

Can i start treatment?

How accurate do I need to be with the time I take my meds?

I’m pregnant and starting treatment – what should I do about my side effects?

My CD4 count is over 500, should I start treatment?

How quickly will my CD4 and viral load change after starting ART?

How to fit taking my treatment around work?

What does ‘an empty stomach’ mean when taking Atripla?

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