Q and A

Starting treatment

How does having low platelet levels affect someone with long-term HIV?

Is my CD4 count 'normal'?

What is the importance of a high viral load with a high CD4?

Is Atripla available in the UK?

How serious is toxoplasmosis?

Do we need to have an abortion?

Should I get treatment in Manchester or London?

Is general weakness and other symptoms related to HIV or starting meds?

I’m HIV positive and want to know how often should I have sex with my girlfriend?

Can I wait 2 weeks to see my doc? My first CD4 count came back at 266.

Is it mandatory to take prophylaxis against PCP?

Newly diagnosed in Ireland

My CD4 count is 568. Can I increase it without treatment?

What is the outlook for my girlfriend who has a CD4 count of 101?

Which blood tests are used to monitor HIV treatment?

At what CD4 count should treatment be started?

I want to know more about side effects

Starting with a low or high viral load…

What are the complications of pregnancy and medication?

Can tenofovir and ddI EC be used in the same combination?

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