Europe steps in to protect discounted drugs for developing countries

Protecting mothers from mono and dual therapies, and considering the value of Caesarean sections

Boosted PIs: differences emerging in efficacy, tolerability, lipids

Europe steps in to protect discounted drugs for developing countries

Hair analysis may help determine drug levels, adherence and virological response

Disadvantage from prior nucleoside therapy persists for years during HAART

Perspectives on hormonal, mitochondrial and metabolic changes

IAS panel issues first guidelines for HIV and HIV drug-related metabolic complications (2002)

Side effects are a common cause of intentional non adherence to HAART

PML-associated immune restoration disease associated with mortality

Animal retroviral infections suggest third kind of potential treatment: HIV harm reduction

Memory T cells do not recognise circulating HIV in late infection

Chiron halts major IL-2 study, for business reasons

EU increases powers, and speeds up actions, of the European medicines agency

Zinc treatment for diarrhoea reduces child deaths

Post-meeting coverage of the 42nd ICAAC

AIDS-related malignancies in the era of HAART

Screening for and treatment of anal intraepithelial neoplasia

Coping with lipodystrophy’s emotional toll

Beyond HAART: a closer look at immune therapies

Digging deeper at the resistance workshop

Medscape conference coverage

Anaemia, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia: pathogenesis and evolving treatment options in HIV-infected patients

Comprehensive health care for people infected with HIV in developing countries BMJ 2002;325:954-957

Anti-R7V antibodies may protect some HIV-infected patients from developing AIDS: a conversation with Jean-Claude Chermann

Combining saquinavir with lopinavir/ritonavir?

Glossary of HIV/AIDS-Related Terms, 4th ed

HIV and Its Treatment: What You Should Know, 2nd edition

Volume 3 Number 10 December 2002 PDF

Profiteers undermine preferential pricing and make millions diverting cheap drugs sent to Africa

Activists win court battle in campaign for generic production of ddI

Global AIDS fund facing bankruptcy

42nd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), San Diego, 27-30 September 2002

Immunology and treatment interruption data presented at the 42nd ICAAC

Treatment interruptions may result in poor T-cell recovery in patients with nadir CD+ count <50 cells/mm3

Treatment interruptions are safe in patients with CD4+ count between 300 to 500 cells/mm3 and viral loads lower than 70,000 copies/mL

Topical transdermal testosterone gel offers significant clinical benefits in hypogonadal HIV-positive patients

BMS experimental PI atazanavir shows potency comparable to NNRTI efavirenz among treatment-naïve HIV patients

Adverse drug reactions and lipodystrophy in children

Study suggests Kaletra/Combivir is better tolerated PEP than Combivir/nelfinavir

Novel approaches to the inhibition of HIV

Lipodystrophy and adverse drug reaction data presented at the 42nd ICAAC

4th International Workshop on Drug Reactions and Lipodystrophy in HIV Infection, San Diego, 22-25 September 2002

Leptin, lipodystrophy and insulin resistance

A range of treatments for facial lipoatrophy

Autopsy evidence confirms that ARVs tackle CNS lesions

New evidence favours routine measurement of plasma concentrations in salvage therapy to maintain sustained drug levels

New safety information for ddI used with ribavirin

US FDA issues new safety information for tenofovir co-administration with ddI

European Commission approves new boosted saquinavir regimen (1000 mg saquinavir/100 mg ritonavir twice daily) for the treatment of HIV-1

Tamoxifen for male breast enlargement?

Diet can help reduce lipid levels in people with HAART-related dyslipemia

HAART enhances regression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in HIV-seropositive women

Study shows why some immune systems can control HIV through CD8 cells

Intestinal worm eradication lowers viral load in HIV-positive patients

PPAR agonists inhibit HIV replication and TNF-alpha production

Many HIV-infected CD4 cells are HIV-specific in patients on HAART

Milk thistle can reduce levels of indinavir in the blood

The Children’s HIV Association of the UK and Ireland – CHIVA

Highlights of the autumn CHIVA meeting

Multivitamins limit HIV transmission through breastfeeding for some women

Prison health services will be taken over by the NHS from next year

Diagnosis and management of hepatitis C

HIV-1-associated dementia: a basic science and clinical perspective

Clinicians debate antiretroviral tactics and toxicities, resistance testing, and hepatitis virus coinfection

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