Q and A

Life expectancy

My husband started meds with a CD4 count of 4? What about his liver?

What is my chance of having a healthy life?

I am newly diagnosed and have Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome…

My CD4 count is 1 and I’ve just started meds…

HIV, life expectancy and having a baby with a negative partner

Will smoking affect my treatment?

CD4 count 711, what is my life expectancy?

My CD4 is 544, what is my life expectancy?

I’m on ARVs, what is my life expectancy?

What is my life expectancy?

Are these side effects from Atroiza?

My CD4 is 955, what’s my life expectancy?

What is my life expectancy?

How long can I live on Atroiza?

How long will my mum live?

Is my maximum life expectancy 8 years?

I was diagnosed 16 weeks after infection, what's my life expectancy?

I am doing well on ARVs.Can I look forward to retirement?

What is the life expectancy of an HIV positive child?

I’m newly diagnosed and on treatment. Can I have a long life?

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