Q and A

Opportunistic infections

Can you provide a perspective on the risk of lung cancer?

Is it safe to use cotrimoxazole in pregnancy?

Am I at higher risk of colds because I have HIV?

Are my styes caused by HIV?

Will my CD4 count ever get back to ‘normal’ levels?

What does a CD4 count of 87 mean for my health?

My brother’s CD4 is 15- will he get better?

I'm worried about my CD4 and have resistance, neuropathy and arthritis

Do I need to avoid someone with chicken pox?

How does HIV and HIV meds affect the brain?

Somebody at work had TB- am I at risk?

My CD4 count is 570. Should I be worried about OIs?

Is it possible that I have TB without any symptoms?

Would I get cold/sorethroat more frequently that I am HIV positive?

Can I use my old ARVs after finishing my TB treatment?

What causes my CD4 to drop from 220 to 30 in less than a month?

Does Atripla cause memory loss?

Will ARVs still work if my partner’s CD4 count is 75?

Do I need to boil tap water if my CD4 count is 17?

What is muscle wasting?

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