Q and A

Starting treatment

When will my meds start to work?

Can I start treatment with a high CD4 count?

Will age effect what treatment I can use?

When should I start treatment?

I have been diagnosed with CD4 of 16?

How should I take Genvoya?

Are Atenef and Atroiza the same medicines?

When should I start meds if I was diagnosed in pregnancy?

Will nigella seeds (black seeds) help my CD4 count?

When should I take efavirenz if I work night shifts?

When should I start treatment?

When should I take Atrozia?

I’m on Tribuss, does the dizziness go away?

I’m pregnant, when should I start ART?

My viral load is OK, but my CD4 is dropping, is this normal?

What will happen if I stop taking my meds after just three days?

I’m not on meds, do I have to take them?

Can I change when I take my meds?

Newly diagnosed in primary infection, why is my CD4 low and viral load high?

I’ve just started meds, I’m having diarrhoea, is this normal?

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