Q and A

Starting treatment

What are my choices for HIV drugs in Birmingham?

My friend is having big problems after starting ART with a low CD4…

What is the difference between stopping meds and never starting them?

Is mouth thrush normal if I have just stated treatment?

Should I start ART with a CD4 count of 450?

Diagnosed 4 days ago and feeling dizzy on meds?

What reduces the time treatment takes to work?

How soon will my friends treatment take to work? His CD4 count is 36.

I’ve decided to start ART with CD4=28…

I stopped efavirenz after a week because of kidney pains…

I am worried about my relative not on ARVs?

How to choose first ART in the UK?

How does a doctor choose the best treatment?

Can you start ARVs before you know your CD4 count?

What happens if my meds don’t work?

How can VL go down before ART and can I get single pill ART in the UK?

If someone’s CD4 is 560, should they be on meds?

Add etravirine to Genvoya – NOT RECOMMENDED

Is Tribuss stronger than Odimune?

My CD4 is 35, is this OK?

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