Q and A

Starting treatment

I'm planning to have a baby. Should I start taking ARVs?

I’ve just been diagnosed, why has my doctor suggested starting treatment early?

My 4 year old daughter's CD4 has dropped, what does this mean?

I'm newly diagnosed. What's causing me continous itching?

I'm 6 weeks pregnant, when should I start taking ARVs?

What do my lab results mean?

Do I need to start treatment if I'm planning to have a baby?

In South Africa on Atripla for two months, will efavirenz mood changes improve?

CD4 70, on Bactrim and Atripla, are there any interactions?

Will diet and exercise increase my CD4 count?

What are risks in pregnancy if I am not yet on treatment?

Does unprotected sex affect CD4 count?

How can my CD4 count increase and I am not on treatment?

When should I start my treatment?

I am 4 weeks pregnant. When should I start treatment?

Will early treatment help my health and make me live longer?

Does having a low CD4 count mean I will get OIs?

Why do CD4 counts sometimes not return to normal levels?

My CD4 count is 80 – should I take Atripla?

Is my CD4% results is more stable than CD4 count?

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