Q and A

Starting treatment

Why do I suffer from headache when taking Atripla?

I am dizzy after taking Atripla for five days

Is starting treatment early better for me?

Is Viramune XR better for my metabolism?

I haven’t seen my doctor for seven years but I’m feeling well…

I am pregnant. When do I start taking ARV’s?

Can I stay healthy without treatment?

How can I increase my CD4 count?

Is it safe to take TB medication with my ARVs?

Can other infection lower my CD4 count?

I am just diagnosed with a CD4 count of 10?

I just started my treatment – what are the side effects of the drugs?

I had a PCR test and it was positive – how accurate it is?

My CD4 is 350,is it safe to wait before starting treatment?

My viral load is still detectable after 5 months on treatment

Can you live with meds?

Should I start treatment with CD4 count of 500? What is the best food?

What is the outlook for my 51 year old father?

Will treatment work if I am over 50 years old?

Are my CD4 and viral load results after treatment okay?

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