Q and A

Starting treatment

Does Atripla cause memory loss?

Will ARVs still work if my partner’s CD4 count is 75?

What does a CD4 count of 42 mean?

Who can I talk to about treatment in Yorkshire?

Do I continue ARVs after my pregnancy?

How soon will my partner see a response to treatment?

I am worried about a drop in my last CD4 count…

Will my CD4 increase using ARVs in pregnancy?

Is this info on my brother and his CD4 count correct?

Should I be freaking with a viral load of 110 after 6 months?

Should I start treatment if my CD4 count just dropped to 276?

Can I get treatment in Vietnam?

Do I need to boil tap water if my CD4 count is 17?

Are meds working ok in pregnancy?

What things are important about HIV treatment during pregnancy?

What are the current opinions and evidence about drug sequencing?

Will starting treatment late in pregnancy still protect my baby?

What are alternatives to Atripla or PIs when starting treatment?

I am recently infected, can diet help my CD4 count?

What can I do about loosing weight?

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