Q and A

Starting treatment

Can I get use HIV treatment to protect my negative partner?

How soon can I stop pentamidine prophylaxis?

Are spots on my arms and back linked to HIV meds?

Hearing loss and starting treatment at a high CD4 count

What are the effects of not taking ARVs if you are HIV-positive?

When should I start AZT if I'm pregnant with CD4 at 700?

Will my friend survive?

Is my rash a side effect of my treatment after 3 months of taking it?

When should I start ARVs? What are the symptoms of HIV?

Is HIV causing my low platelet count?

If I adhere 100% will resistance happen over time anyway?

How can someone with a low CD4 prevent opportunistic infections?

How can I prevent muscle wasting?

What does a CD4 count of 11 mean?

My CD4 count is good but I am ill – is this normal?

What are the side effects of atazanavir, abacavir and Atripla?

When will I start to go yellow on atazanavir?

Will taking aloe vera stop me needing ARVs?

Am I having delayed side effects?

Will my warts disappear now I am taking HIV treatment?

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