Q and A

Starting treatment

Can I increase my CD4 count with a healthy lifestyle?

Should I start HIV meds now I have a co-infection?

If I take vitamins will I not have to take ARVs?

Can I have a ‘normal’ relationship with someone who is positive?

When should I start treatment?

Is it normal to come out in spots when starting HIV treatment?

When should I start treatment?

Will my CD4 count increase now I am on treatment?

I don't want to take treatment, how can I increase my CD4 count?

Can I use Fuzeon (T-20) as my anti-HIV treatment in the first place?

Will my muscle mass come back?

I am pregnant and HIV positive: how do I tell my partner>

I have a serious rash from starting treatment – should I stop taking my meds?

Will Fuzeon (T-20) increase my CD4 if I add it to my combination?

Does alcohol interact with HIV meds?

What tests will they do before I start treatment?

I have just started medication and have a lot of questions…..

I am confused about my CD4 count and CD4%

What are the reasons for a person not getting sick after seroconversion?

I am worried about starting HIV treatment

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