Q and A

Search results for "reinfection"

If I am on ART am I protected from reinfection?

What are the chances of reinfection when you’re on ART?

Is there is risk of reinfection if I am on treatment?

Is reinfection a risk if two HIV positive people are undetectable?

Is HIV reinfection a myth?

With PrEP drugs in my HIV combination protect me from reinfection?

We are not using protection, what about reinfection?

Is reinfection a risk?

Resistance tests accuracy and reinfection risk?

What is the deal with reinfection (of HIV)?

Is reinfection possible in this case?

Is the reinfection something that is true or another myth?

We are both HIV+ and stopped using condoms, what are the risks of reinfection?

What are the main COVID-19 variants? How can they affect vaccine responses?

Is it possible to get re-infected with another strain if I’m on medication?

I am worried I have been reinfected?

Do HIV meds work like PrEP to stop me becoming reinfected?

I want to use condoms sex with my husband because I worry about drug resistance

FAQs on viral load

I’m undetectable. Is it safe to have sex with someone not taking ARVs?

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