Simon Collins

Simon Collins is an HIV positive treatment advocate who co-founded i-Base in 2000. 

“People living with HIV should have the choice to be actively involved in all aspects of our care. The latest information should be available in language that is easy to understand. This is so we can make informed decisions about our health.”

He co-ordinates the treatment information services including the phoneline and the website. Since 2003, he has edited HIV Treatment Bulletin and he also edits the i-Base treatment guides and the treatment training manual for advocates. In 2017, he produced ART in pictures: HIV treatment explained.

During COVID he wrote more than 300 articles for a monthly supplement “HIV and COVID-19”. He also wrote non-technical information on the new vaccines and the impact of COVID-19 and HIV, and covered the mpox (MPX) outbreak during 2022.

Over the years, i-Base copyright-free guides have been translated into many languages.

He is involved in developing community involvement in clinical research and treatment guidelines. He has been on the writing committee for several BHIVA (UK) and EACS (European) guidelines and was a community member of the Drugs Sub Group for London HIV commissioners and on the Drugs Advisory Group for HIV Clinical Reference Group (CRG) for NHS England.

For two years, he co-co-chaired the European Community Advisory Board (ECAB) and in 2002 cofounded the UK-CAB, which now has over 700 members. In 2002, he gave evidence to the UK parliamentary health committee on sexual health and in 2016 he contributed to the open discussions at the United Nations in New York on universal access to ART. In October 2021 he jointly won the 2021 EACS Award for Excellence in HIV Medicine.

Simon co-founded HIV i-Base with colleagues from the AIDS Treatment Project in London. He had volunteered at ATP and worked in various positions from 1997-2000 including as a peer advocate and director.


In addition to i-Base publications he has contributed to many published papers and treatment guidelines as a community representative. He has been an invited speaker at several HIV medical conferences and also presented original research. See Google Scholar or Orcid.

He reviews medical papers from a community perspective and in 2022 joined the editorial board for the journals HIV Medicine and Journal of Virus Eradication.

Links with research studies

Simon has been involved as a community representative on the following current or recent research studies.

Current studies

  • RIO trial (cure-related research that includes using two long-acting bNAbs).
  • BHIVA/UKHSA: National HIV Mortality Review Working Group. Research into current current HIV-related mortality in the UK.
  • HIV Drug Resistance Database – Ongoing database that now has more than 125,000 resistance test sequences collected in the UK since 2001. This research resource answers important questions on drug resistance.
  • INSIGHT group (including the START study – see below). Although START is now closed, the group is currently analysing results from extended follow-up that ended in 2023.
  • SWIFT study – using semaglutide for weight loss in people living with HIV.

Previous studies

  • EHVA (European HIV Vaccine Alliance). This includes a vaccine study related to cure research (EHVA01 and EHVA02). This research ended in December 2023.
  • ASTRA (large cross-sectional questionnaire study about HIV treatment, lifestyle and transmission in HIV positive people in the UK).
  • AURAH (large cross-sectional questionnaire study similar to ASTRA but in HIV negative people attending sexual health clinics in the UK).
  • CHERUB (UK collaboration of researchers working on aspects of HIV cure research that includes the REACH and RIVER studies).
  • CIPHER (a sub-study of ASTRA looking at cognitive function and brain-related disorders).
  • COBRA (collaborative EU research on HIV and ageing).
  • D:A:D study (the largest prospective international database study to look at side effects of HIV drugs and impact of other complications). Study now completed.
  • EHVA (European HIV Vaccine Alliance). This includes a vaccine study related to cure research (EHVA01 and EHVA02). This study ended in December 2023.
  • HALL study (social science research looking at issue of HIV in later life). Study now completed.
  • HIPvac (randomised study comparing approaches including a vaccine to treating genital warts, predominantly in HIV negative adults). Study now completed.
  • PANTHEON – programme of research into cost-effectiveness of strategies including self-testing to reduce HIV transmission (SELPHI study).
  • LEAP – Long-Acting Extended Release ARV Resource Programme. Community involvement is led by Polly Clayden.
  • PARTNER and PARTNER2 studies (risk of HIV transmission in sero-different couples where the HIV positive partner is taking HIV meds and has an undetectable viral load – and who do not always use condoms. PARTNER reported zero HIV transmissions after couples in the study had sex more than 58,000 times without condoms. The PARTNER 2 study in gay men reported zero transmissions after couples had sex 77,000 times without condoms. Study now completed.
  • PLATINUM study. Study using tecovirimat for mpox. Study closed in 2023 due to low number of UK mpox cases.
  • POPPY (UK study on HIV and ageing). Community involvement is now led by Memory Sachikonye.
  • PROUD study (UK PrEP study using daily oral tenofovir/FTC to prevent HIV infection in HIV negative gay men and transgender women). The results, published in The Lancet in 2015, clearly showed dramatic benefit from PrEP to prevent HIV transmission. Study now completed.
  • RIVER study – trying to reduce the latently infected viral reservoir in people who were recently infected. In 2018, this study reported no impact on reducing the viral reservoir.
  • START study (a large international randomised study looking at when to start HIV treatment based on CD4 counts above 500 or waiting to 350 cells/mm3). Results in July 2015 showed that early ART reduced serious HIV-related illnesses even at high CD4 counts. This led to changes in treatment guidelines to routinely recommended ART for all. Long term follow-up continued until 2023.
  • SUPA (interventional option to help adherence). Study now completed.
  • TAILoR study (randomised study looking at use of telmisartan and insulin resistance in HIV positive people). Unfortunately, the results published in JID in July 2019, showed no benefit for the main study endpoint. Study now completed.
  • UK-CHIC (prospective database that includes anonymised medical history from over 45,000 HIV positive people in the UK).
  • UK Seroconverters Register (prospective UK cohort of people diagnosed within a year of infection). Study now completed.
  • Member of the external advisory panel for Liverpool Biomedical Research Centre from 2007-2012. Research grants now completed.

Last updated: 7 March 2024.