XV International World AIDS Conference, 11-16 July 2004, Bangkok

Women and HIV: research directions

The X4 files: sampling the science on HIV co-receptors in Bangkok

10th BHIVA Autumn Conference 8-9 October 2004, London

BHIVA audit on management of HIV/Hepatitis coinfection

A round-up of news about access to treatments with links to sources: Britain, Ukraine, Thailand, Europe, South Africa

Body Mass Index at diagnosis is independent predictor of survival

Six generics compare well with US-made ARVs

Viral load response at 4 weeks predicts treatment success

Resistance mutations in patients with persistent viraemia show need to improve clinical assays

Researchers call for new approach to assessing pipeline drugs for salvage patients

Vancouver researchers urge caution with combinations of lipid drugs

3TC resistance leads to hepatitis B flare

Sight changes reported with PEG-interferon

BMS submits marketing applications for entecavir to treat HBV in US and Europe

Study raises questions about cost effectiveness of nevirapine regimen

Low effectiveness of nevirapine to reduce MTCT in real life situation

Use of T-20 at the end of pregnancy to a multi-treated HIV-infected woman with virological breakthrough

CHIPS data finds response to HAART varies with age in children

HAART is effective in African children in a resource-limited setting

Predictive factors of virologic success in HIV positive children treated with lopinavir/ritonavir

Clinical features and predictors of survival in patients with AIDS-related non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

Dispersal of HIV-positive asylum seekers: national survey of UK healthcare providers

Medical journals require pre-trial registration in public database as criteria for submission for publication

Conference abstracts and reports

Online medical education

Hepatitis coinfection

Volume 5 Number 9/10 October/November 2004 PDF


XV International World AIDS Conference, 11-16 July 2004, Bangkok

Dollars, commerce, politics and prejudice all present obstacles to scaling up access to treatment in resource poor countries

MTCT programmes in South Africa: nevirapine and the minister

Urgency of global access to ARV treatment for IV drug users

Replace myths with evidence–based policies on IV drug use

Adding Combivir to single dose nevirapine for reduction of MTCT significantly reduces resistance

Lopinavir/r levels reduced during pregnancy

Another chance for 3TC in patients with M184V mutation?

Kaletra monotherapy: small studies and early data

Lowering dose of d4T can maintain efficacy and reduce side effects

Three-year renal safety with tenofovir; cystatin may be a useful marker

Fluconazole increases nevirapine levels and risk of serious hepatotoxicity

Efavirenz interaction with rifampin may not require dose adjustment in patients with low body weight

Tipranavir significantly lowers doses of saquinavir, amprenavir and lopinavir/r

Responses to hepatitis vaccinations: an optimum window for protection?

HBV vaccine, CD4 count and increasing response with double-dose

Response to Hepatitis A (HAV) vaccine determined by CD4 count

Inventive ways to explain HAART and adherence to children

Isoniazid has early and unexpected benefit in reducing childhood mortality

Lack of keratin overlaying inner foreskin may explain lower HIV infection rates in circumcised men

A round-up of news about access to treatments with links to sources

US FDA approves Glaxo and Gilead drug combinations

Abbott applies for once-daily license for lopinavir/r

AIDS activists respond to NIH decision on overriding HIV drug patent

Efficacy of acetyl-L-carnitine for antiretroviral toxic neuropathy

Chiron relaxes patent licences for hepatitis C

Activists arrested in Nepal in homophobic atmosphere

SMART study examines the long term benefit risk of interruptions versus continued use of ART

Online treatment journals and newsletters

Volume 5 Number 7/8 August/September 2004 PDF

Volume 5 Number 6 July 2004

XIII International HIV Resistance Workshop 8-12 June 2004, Tenerife

Risk of NNRTI-resistance during STI: implications for SMART and other STI studies

Persistent nevirapine resistance following mother to child transmission interventions

Tipranavir resistance and viral response: L90M did not reduce response, recommendation to use with T-20

Resistance in the UK: new approach to epidemiological studies

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