Paradoxical CD4 response with tenofovir and ddI backbone

Tenofovir/FTC backbone outperforms AZT/3TC (Combivir) with efavirenz in treatment naive patients; reduced toxicity drives ITT viral efficacy

Limited stability of lopinavir/r (Kaletra) above 25°C

Atorvastatin requires dose reduction with tipranavir/r

Once-daily T-20 is less effective than twice daily: lower potency is related to C trough

Further genetic link to efavirenz absorption

Long-term response to FTC in children is similar to adults

Side effects update: hypersensitivity, heart, bones

55th Annual Meeting of the American Society for the Study of Liver Diseases (55th AASLD), 29 October – 2 November, 2004, Boston MA

Generic ARVs and WHO prequalification list

Cotrimoxazole reduces mortality and morbidity in HIV-positive children: joint WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF statement

Equitable access for antiretroviral treatment for women

US treatment guidelines updated (Jan 2005)

Roche discontinue plans for nelfinavir 625mg formulation

Updated UK guidelines for HIV and hepatitis coinfection (2005)

Interferon plus 3TC for people with HIV/HBV coinfection

Conference abstracts and reports

Update your WHO/EDM bookshelf

HIV InSite Knowledge Base

Journal articles online at Medscape

Facing up to it: Bio-Alcamid as a facial filler to treat lipoatrophy

Volume 6 Number 1 December 2004/January 2005 PDF

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