World AIDS 18 Vienna 2010

XVIII International AIDS Conference: 18–-23 July 2010, Vienna

Spray-dried nanoparticle formulation of efavirenz

Switching boosted-PIs to raltegravir

Scaling up: what to do first?

A new point of care CD4 test

Early infant diagnosis

Efavirenz-based regimens among womenof reproductive age receiving ART in Johannesburg

Male circumcision retains effectiveness at reducing risk of HIV infection: 54 month results

AIDS 2010: non-technical conference summaries: HTB supplement

XVIII International AIDS Conference: 18-–23 July 2010, Vienna

Navigating the IAS Vienna conference online

Results from the Caprisa 004 tenofovir microbicide trial

Quadrivalent HPV vaccine reduces genital lesions and HPV acquisition in men

Rilpivirine (TMC-278) vs efavirenz in treatment-naive patients: phase 3 results

Once-daily nevirapine extended release (XR) is non-inferior to current formulation

GSK572 (dolutegravir): second-generation integrase inhibitor

TBR-652: early results for CCR5 inhibitor

Atazanavir/r plus maraviroc or tenofovir/FTC in treatment-naive patients

Unboosted twice-daily atazanavir plus raltegravir

CASCADE analysis of when to start treatment

Impact of antiretroviral PMTCT prophylaxis regimens on subsequent maternal disease progression in Kesho Bora

Birth outcomes with antiretroviral exposure

New WHO guidelines for children (July 2010)

No difference in outcomes for children initiating treatment with a protease inhibitor or an NNRTI nor with viral load switching strategies in PENPACT-1

Tablets more acceptable than syrups in the ARROW trial

Smoking and atazanavir levels

Darunavir/ritonavir and rosuvastatin

Lime juice is not a microbicide: do not try at home