Conference reports

Bioavailability study results for new paediatric tablets for oral suspension, and caution against splitting adult doses

Pharmacokinetic and virological evaluations after stopping NNRTIs in children: a substudy of the PENTA 11 (TICCH) Trial

3TC/abacavir maintains virological superiority over AZT/3TC and AZT/abacavir beyond 5 years in children

French study raises importance of early screening for anal cancer in HIV-positive people

Prognostic index for risk of progression of Kaposi’s Sarcoma

Tenofovir did not increase the incidence nephrotoxicity in limited numbers of HIV-positive patients using chemotherapy or HCV-coinfeced patients using ribavirin

Selected abstracts from Track A presentations at Toronto

Use of complementary alternative medicine that could interact with ARV treatment reported by 20% patients in the UK

Poor scientific or medical knowledge is a factor in increase in criminal charges for HIV transmission in the UK

Treatment access and community responses: online webcasts and debates

15th International Drug Resistance Workshop, 13-17 June 2006, Sitges, Spain

Resistance implications of monotherapy with lopinavir/r (Kaletra)

Ritonavir reduces virological failure and resistance in treatment naive patients treated with atazanavir

Resistance to darunavir (TMC-114): predicting responses for treatment experienced patients

Epidemiological studies and transmission of resistance: evidence for optimism – or issues with interpretation?

K103N containing variants persist longer in women with subtype D and with higher viral loads

No subtype-based differences in baseline levels of K103N-containing variants in women receiving single dose nevirapine

Phenotypic NNRTI resistance and genetic diversity in antiretroviral naive women

High prevalence of the K65R mutation in Botswana patients treated with ddI/d4T-based regimens

Potential for easier selection of K65R mutation with tenofovir pressure in subtype C HIV-1 isolates

Categorisation of transmitted HIV drug resistance using the WHO/CDC HIV drug resistance threshold survey method may be useful in resource limited settings

Limitations in online tools to identify HIV-1 subtypes

Resistance implications from PrEP and microbicide studies in macaques

Low-level resistance linked to treatment failure: a role for more sensitive testing for naive patients

Testing for resistance after starting treatment

7th International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV Therapy, 20-22 April 2006, Lisbon

Efavirenz levels above recommended upper target in 20% of African patients in Senegal

Lower dose of AZT provides adequate exposure in patients with low body weight

Pharmacokinetics for generic fixed dose combinations for children are comparable to the branded products

Caution against dividing adult FDCs (Triomune) for young children

University of Liverpool audit of paediatric TDM

Age-dependent pharmacokinetics of 3TC in children

Use of small sample drug level monitoring for paediatric PI concentrations

Intracellular and plasma measurements of AZT and 3TC and their metabolites in neonates

Effect of pregnancy on PK of protease inhibitors

Using enzyme inducers to reduce the half-life of nevirapine

Relationship between nevirapine concentrations and virological failure in a clinical setting

Summary of drug interaction studies

Effects of ketoconazole and rifampin on TMC278

Brecanavir interaction study with ritonavir and atazanavir

Fixed-dose formulation of efavirenz/tenofovir/FTC bioequivalent to separate dosing

Saquinavir/r (1000/100mg) levels reduced when taken fasted and should be taken with food

Lack of food effect with Meltrex formulation of lopinavir/r

Food interaction reduces ddI intracellular absorption and supports requirement to take fasted

Conflicting results on how T-20 affects tipranavir

12th Annual Conference of the British HIV Association, 29 March–-1 April 2006, Brighton

HIV in the UK – summaries from BHIVA 12th annual conference

Primary care practice still fails to diagnose HIV patients from high-risk groups or with symptomatic acute infection

Use of HLA-B*5701 genetic testing to reduce abacavir hypersensitivity reactions

Dosing rifabutin and lopinavir/r – sub-optimal rifabutin levels reported in five patients dosed according to current guidelines

Fatal seronegative visceral leishmaniasis in Portuguese patient

Awareness of PEP after sexual exposure (PEPSE)

Final reports from 13th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), 5-8 February 2006, Denver

Regimen durability and toxicity in 36-month follow up on ART in Khayelitsha, South Africa

Adults in resource-limited settings are most likely to experience an HIV-associated Illness in the first three months from initiating therapy

Causes of death in adults receiving ARV therapy in Senegal

Rapid scale-up of treatment in Zambia delivered at primary health level

The effect of HIV subtype on disease progression in Rakai, Uganda

Genital tract pharmacokinetics of ten antiretroviral drugs in HIV-positive women

Initiation of ART leads to a rapid decline in cervical and vaginal HIV-1 RNA

Effect of HSV-2 treatment on HIV-1 genital shedding and plasma viral load

Once-daily FTC, ddI, and efavirenz in children and adolescents

Simplified triple NRTI regimen effective in vertically infected children: two years follow-up

Long-term clinical and biological outcomes in children vertically infected with HIV

Prospective follow up of children with lipodystrophy

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