
Standard once-daily dolutegravir dosing achieves target levels during pregnancy

New HIV pregnancy study uses latest ART: IMPAACT 2010 study (VESTED) includes dolutegravir and tenofovir alafenamide (TAF)

Association between timing of maternal ART and risk of infants born small for gestational age in Dutch ATHENA cohort

Dolutegravir use in pregnancy: results from small Belgian cohort

No transmissions from breastfeeding in Tanzania cohort from mothers with undetectable viral load

Reassuring French data using raltegravir during pregnancy

Screening HIV positive pregnant women for TB in South Africa increased detection by 10-fold

Experts disagree with controversial BMJ support for older HIV drugs in pregnancy

BHIVA challenges BMJ recommendations on ART during pregnancy: tenofovir still strongly recommend

Preliminary results on dolutegravir use in pregnancy are reassuring

Low dose efavirenz (EFV400) can be used during pregnancy

Stillbirth rate in HIV positive women in UK/Ireland is double that of the general population

Inconsistencies between real-world data from UK and Ireland and EU recommendations for new antiretrovirals in pregnancy

Dolutegravir pharmacokinetics in pregnancy

Option B+ Malawi

VRC01 in HIV-exposed newborns: first results support monthly injections for those at risk through breastfeeding

PrEP in pregnancy does not increase poor birth outcomes

Efavirenz, tenofovir and emtricitabine associated with fewest adverse birth outcomes in Botswana

Adverse pregnancy outcomes and risk factors in the PROMISE trial

Women on lopinavir/ritonavir-based regimens at conception at higher risk of preterm delivery in UK study

No increase in adverse birth outcomes with maternal TDF/FTC in US study

Pregnancy common in ART trials in sub-Saharan Africa despite exclusion criteria

TDF/FTC can be used as PrEP by breastfeeding mothers without risk to the baby

Dolutegravir use in a London cohort – including nine pregnant women

HIV positive and HIV negative pregnancies in the UK and Ireland have similar outcomes including for older women: impressive 15-year review

High risk of virological failure and loss to follow up postpartum in South Africa

Birth weight and preterm delivery outcomes of vertically vs non-vertically infected HIV positive pregnant women

High death rates among HIV positive women postpartum accessing ARVs

Raltegravir in HIV-exposed neonates

Tenofovir-containing ART reduces bone mineral density in breast feeding women: results from IMPAACT P1084s

Dolutegravir is superior to boosted atazanavir in women in the ARIA study

PROMISE results support WHO recommendations for pregnant and breastfeeding women: more needs to be done to improve ART acceptability and adherence

Modelling data might support use of low dose 400 mg efavirenz in pregnancy

Pharmacokinetics of antiretrovirals comparable to that in non-pregnant women from three weeks after delivery

No effect of tenofovir on infant bone mineral content in African study

No increased risk of birth defects with darunavir: findings from the Antiretroviral Pregnancy Registry

Early data from dolutegravir use during pregnancy

Raltegravir for neonates will require a complicated dosing regimen

Reducing efavirenz dose is unlikely to overcome interaction with levonorgestrel

Pharmacokinetics of four antiretrovirals in pregnancy: data from the PANNA network

Dolutegravir placental transfer moderate in ex vivo model

BHIVA pregnancy audit 2013 to 2014

Transmitted drug resistance in HIV positive pregnant women

PK of ARVs in pregnancy: rilpivirine, etravirine and raltegravir

Pharmacokinetics in pregnancy: darunavir/r and etravirine

Low prolactin and high 20alpha-HSD might contribute to ART-associated progesterone deficits in pregnancy

Pregnancy rates among women using ART and hormonal contraceptives in Kenya

Adolescents at increased risk of vertical transmission and poor pregnancy outcome in South Africa

Three drug ART best for preventing vertical transmission to infants: results from the PROMISE study

3 in 5 breastfeeding women with viral load >1,000 copies/mL are undiagnosed in Kenya, Malawi and South Africa

Point of care HIV PCR test for infant diagnosis: good performance but poorer results in youngest age group

Drug resistance in children after PMTCT and early treatment

Three drug regimen superior for preventing vertical transmission in the PROMISE study

Increased risk of ART-related hepatotoxicity in HIV positive pregnant women

Darunavir pharmacokinetics in pregnancy and postpartum

Good management of HIV positive pregnant women in UK – with some room for improvement

Pregnancy a risk factor for poor antiretroviral treatment outcomes in South African adolescents

Reasons for loss to follow up in the Malawi Option B+ programme

BHIVA pregnancy guidelines: 2014 interim update

Raltegravir pharmacokinetics in pregnancy and neonates

Efavirenz pharmacokinetics among pregnant women with and without tuberculosis coinfection

Pregnancy outcomes in Zambia

Uptake of ART is influenced by distance to the health facility in rural Zambia

Pharmacokinetics of antiretrovirals in pregnancy

Better virologic outcomes with efavirenz vs lopinavir/ritonavir in pregnant women and no difference in risk of preterm birth

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