Q and A

CD4 and viral load

With a CD4 count of 77 do I have AIDS?

Does anxiety and depression affect my CD4 count?

Does acyclovir (herpes treatment) reduce the HIV viral load?

How long will it take for my CD4 count to go back up?

Is it possible for CD4 cells to decrease so quickly?

Will my CD4 count increase after I give birth?

Why is my CD4 count not increasing?

Do chiropractic treatments improve the immune system?

How did I get HIV?

I have just found out I am HIV positive, should I go to A and E for blood tests?

When should I start treatment and which combinations should I take?

La glaucoma puede estar relacionada con los medicamentos que estoy tomando? (Is my glaucoma related to my medication?)

Why do we use CD4% as well as CD4 counts?

Why is my viral load fluctuating so much?

How do I know when to take treatment with a fluctuating CD4 count?

Is my CD4 count too low to reach normal when I start treatment?

Is a viral load of 70 a blip and do I need to be worried?

Do I have HIV or AIDS? How long until my viral load will be undetectable?

Can someone expect

Is this a 'blip' and do I need to be worried?

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