Q and A

CD4 and viral load

Does treatment work if you start with a low CD4 count?

Can hepatitis B reactivate?

Pregnancy without viral load results

Is a viral load result of 50 really a blip?

My CD4 is 347… do I need to start treatment?

Do HIV-positive pregnant women have to have an abortion?

Will stopping meds reduce fatigue?

My CD4 is 350; what can my viral load be?

How often should my viral load be tested?

Does this mean that I am progressing to AIDS?

Swiss statement and other questions

Should I go to the HIV clinic or swine flu centre?

Is the STARHS test for recent infection accurate?

Could Hunt's syndrome have affected my CD4 count?

What would happen if somebody starts with 0 CD4 count and on entry inhibitor?

Do I have a natural resistance to HIV?

Could you explain my results and opportunistic infections?

What could explain the CD4 count drop?

Shall I wait for my CD4 count to rise, before I repeat the Hep B vaccine?

A question on viral load and changing one of the compounds of the combination

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