Q and A

CD4 and viral load

Has another viral load reading as high as this been seen?

What could be the reason for this sudden increase in my VL?

Will loosing weight protect my CD4 count?

Why has my CD4 count dropped? What about cholesterol?

Does viral load rebound to 113 copies/mL mean I am getting resistance?

My viral load has increased from undetectable to 87 c/mL…

How often shall I check my CD4 count?

Can I have unprotected sex with my partner?

Is my virus at the point of eradication?

Is there something wrong with my CD4 results?

Shall I expect my CD4 count to rise?

What do the results of my husband mean?

Is my doctor right to stop my medications?

What makes someone a fast progressor?

What can I do for my CD4 to rise?

What does the rise of CD8 mean?

What does a CD4% of 8 mean in terms of starting treatment?

What kind of tests are used when somebody is HIV-positive?

Can I get HIV-related illnesses if my CD4 count is over 200?

What do these lab results mean?

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