Q and A

CD4 and viral load

I'm a rapid progressor – is my life expectancy reduced as a result?

Will the unprotected sex affect our individual CD4 counts and viral load?

What is a viral load?

Questions about test results if recently diagnosed

What does a CD4 count of 777 mean?

What is the chance I will not need treatment within 5 years?

What does a CD4 count of 0 mean?

Is this a significant drop in my CD4 count?

What are the risks of non-HIV cancers?

Am I at risk of OIs in the 8 weeks before I see my doctor?

Do my results mean that I'll have AIDS quicker?

Can we expect that my brother's CD4 will increase further?

What can I do about my CD4 count?

Are these results contradictory?

How should I interpret my results?

Are my results going the wrong way?

Shall I go for another viral load test?

Should I start treament now?

What are my treatment options after my viral load rebound?

My CD-4 cell count is 122. How do I boost them to get a higher count?

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