Q and A

CD4 and viral load

Is my CD4 count and viral load within the normal ranges?

Can I still play rugby after being diagnosed HIV positive?

Is a cure for HIV coming? Can yogurt affect CD4 counts?

How can I lose weight without it affecting my CD4 count?

Does stress and lack of sleep effect your CD4 count?

What does it mean if my CD4 count increases but my CD4% doesn't?

I have a CD4 count of 190, what are my chances once I start HIV medication?

How can I make a complaint about my GP disclosing my status?

What are the lumps in my arm-pits, are they cancer?

Did my lifestyle changes affect my CD4 count?

How can my husband get his CD4 count to increase?

What do these viral load differences mean?

How infectious is HIV with an undetecable viral load or when co-infected with hepatitis B?

Will treatment work? My partner has a CD4 count of 118…

What are average rates that viral load increases each year without treatment?

Do I need to start treatment?

Is my weight-gain healthy?

I have been on treatment for 4 months, why is my viral load still detectable?

I am too scared to start medication!

I have peripheral neuropathy, why is my CD4 count fluctuating?

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