Q and A


How will i know my baby has HIV?

Can my family catch HIV from me?

What is the safest way to feed my baby?

How accurate is a negative test for my one year old son?

Should I be stressed to learn my wife is positive?

Is it true that a baby has been cured of HIV?

My HIV+ baby is not eating and is losing weight

We’re both positive- can we adopt?

My wife is negative, is our baby positive?

Does vomiting when you’re pregnant make transmission more likely?

Is my 7 year old child also HIV positive?

What is the life expectancy of an HIV positive child?

My 4 year old daughter's CD4 has dropped, what does this mean?

Does the HIV in breast milk die after the milk has been expressed?

My baby is quite small, should I be worried?

Is my child HIV positive?

My partner is HIV positive – is it possible that I am not?

Should I test my children?

What is the life expectancy of a positive baby not on treatment?

Do I test my child if my wife was positive during pregnancy?

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