Q and A

Complications and coinfections

Am I cured of hepatitis B and is it possible to still infect my partner?

What is the relation between HIV and HPV?

Is treatment difficult for hepatitis C if I am HIV positive?

How infectious is HIV with an undetecable viral load or when co-infected with hepatitis B?

I have been on treatment for 4 months, why is my viral load still detectable?

Does acyclovir (herpes treatment) reduce the HIV viral load?

Which treatment can I take after monotherapy for hepatitis B?

I have been treated for hep B and hep C, now which HIV treatments should I take?

I have been treated for hepatitis B – what HIV medication should I take?

Co-infected with hepatitis B and hepatitis C, when should I start HIV treatment?

What resources are available for someone affected by HIV or Hepatitis B/C?

Will chronic hepatitis C co-infection with HIV reduce my life expectancy?

Hepatitis B risk…

Is athlete's foot related to HIV?

Should I go to the HIV clinic or swine flu centre?

Could you explain my results and opportunistic infections?

Shall I wait for my CD4 count to rise, before I repeat the Hep B vaccine?

What if I don't get a response to the HepB vaccine?

Is Acute Retroviral Rebound Syndrome different from Immune Reconsitution Syndrome (IRIS)?

Will HepC and HIV coinfection bring complications at the last stage of my life?

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