Q and A

Drug interactions

Are there interactions between lotions to treat scabies and ARVs?

Should my partner start treatment taking Sustiva and Truvada separately?

Multiple questions re: treatment

Is creatine safe with HIV drugs?

What is the impact of malaria when you are HIV-positive?

Will clotrimazole affect my treatment?

Can I take Immunadue during pregnancy?

Will ecstasy affect my combination?

I have HIV and hepatitis C coinfection. What shall I do?

Which hay fever medications can I use?

Shall I tell my GP that I am HIV-positive as I am on anaemia treatment?

Shall I avoid ritonavir because of interactions with other meds?

Do I really need to take my medications with/without food?

Should I take medication for a bladder problem ?

Can HIV cause erectile dysfunction?

Is it safe to take St. John's wort while on antiretrovirals?

Is it okay to take viagra if I am HIV positive and not on HIV treatment?

Can alcohol affect my CD4 count?

Alcohol interactions and HIV meds – 12 pints?

Can smoking hash affect HAART?

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