Q and A

Drug interactions

What does ‘an empty stomach’ mean when taking Atripla?

Estou recebendo o melhor tratamento? (Am I getting the best treatment?)

Does Essiac interact with HIV medication?

How do weight loss tablets interact with ARVs?

Does yohimbe interact with HIV meds?

What food shall I eat with my combination?

Can I have a glass of wine with my meds?

What can I do about my high cholesterol levels?

Is athlete's foot related to HIV?

Does Atripla have any interactions?

Can I take zyban pills to stop smoking if im on HIV treatment?

Can I use terbinafine?

Is it safe to take milk thistle supplements when on Atripla?

Can I use minoxidil 5% scalp solution if I'm on HIV treatment?

Could melanotan injections have stopped my ARVs from working?

Does food change Atripla absorption?

How important is it to take etravirine with food?

What herbal teas can I drink for sleep problems?

Timing for starting Sustiva + Truvada combination?

Does finasteride (Propecia, Proscar) interact with HIV drugs?

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