Q and A

Drug interactions

Does Famvir react with my HIV treatment?

What are the risks of taking an over-dose of ARVs?

Does alcohol interact with HIV meds?

I have just started medication and have a lot of questions…..

Does Viagra react with tenofovir, 3TC and efavirenz?

Does cinnamon react with any of the HIV treatment drugs?

Will my anal warts lead to cancer?

How do I know if the ARV dosage is correct when I have polycystic kidney disease?

Which drug is safer as a malaria prophylaxis if I am HIV positive?

Which malaria prophylaxis should I take?

How can I use raltegravir as first treatment in the UK?

Would steroid inhalers affect my HIV test?

Can we take recreational drugs when on HIV meds?

How does ritonavir (Norvir) work?

Can HIV meds interfere with a drugs test?

Is peripheral neuropathy a side effect of Atripla?

Is treatment difficult for hepatitis C if I am HIV positive?

I have peripheral neuropathy, why is my CD4 count fluctuating?

Co-infected with hepatitis B and hepatitis C, when should I start HIV treatment?

Can I take HIV medication with my Asthma medication?

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