Q and A

Living with HIV long-term

My viral load is undetectable and I am worried about my life expectancy?

If viral load is undetectable in blood, what about other places?

I was diagnosed 16 weeks after infection, what's my life expectancy?

Is surgery more risky when you're HIV positive?

I stopped treatment in December and I'm not feeling well.

How does HIV and HIV meds affect the brain?

Will HIV/ARVs shorten my life, regardless?

Are there websites to meet other HIV positive people?

Are there any updates on cure research?

How bad is it to have diabetes and HIV together?

I’m 36 and HIV+, how long will I live?

How does haematospermia (blood in the semen) affect risk of transmission?

If we are both positive, do we need condoms?

I'm 40 plus and positive – what is my life expectancy?

I'm worrying about reports of higher risk of HIV and cancer…

Can I have the same life expectancy as hiv negative person?

I'm positive at birth – how do I maintain my CD4 without treatment?

Does late diagnosis means my lifespan is shorten?

Is there a link between age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and being HIV positive individuals?

Can counselling help my family cope with my HIV diagnosis?

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